Expired Versions

These days I am working in an environment with people that have known me or my family my whole life. There is something special about those relationships. There also comes an unexpected challenge. Over the last few years, I have changed. I have grown. I have worked hard to be the person that I am today. But sometimes I find myself in a conversation in which I am trying to fit back into an expired version of myself. Somedays reverting back feels like a welcomed relief, a familiar space. Other days I feel like I need to fight to be the person I am today, to let people see who I am. I guess it all comes down to whether or not I am willing to let people in, to open up and allow them to know me. Really know me, not an expired version. So this is me saying to the world, I’m here. I want you to know me. I’m pretty awesome, so I’d like to try to let you in. Even though that feels scary.philly


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