The Magic Ingredient

I love baking. Sure, some days it feels like just another chore. But then other days I happily end up spending hours baking. When I started writing this post it also happened to be my husbands birthday week! He requested pecan pie and homemade bread. Since going gluten free the amount of homemade bread-making has gone from a weekly occurrence to almost never. So, for his birthday I pulled out the delicious gluten-filled recipes and started baking! About 5 hours later I had a pie, two loaves of bread and my first attempt at gluten-free blueberry muffins.

I thought I’d share with you my secret to gluten-free baking success. First, if you’re attempting to do some gluten-free baking I suggest looking for the Bob’s Red Mill gluten-free flour mixes. They have one that works for all-purpose and a different one for baking. The cakes, cookies, and muffins that I’ve made with Bob’s flours have all been delicious. And as an added bonus, people can’t tell that the baked goods are gluten-free!  So now for the big secret! Xantham Gum. What is it? I really have no clue. You would think if I were writing a blog post about it I would take the time to look up what it does, but I haven’t. Here’s what I do know about Xantham Gum, it’s listed as a necessary ingredient in some recipes, so I have decided to add it to every gluten-free recipe I try. Simply follow the recipe (add a random about of xantham gum) and voila! Delicious baked goods.


If you’d like to make some gluten-free blueberry muffins try the recipe on the back of the Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free baking flour bag, it’s delicious! And the secret? Maybe it’s Xantham Gum, or maybe I’ve just gotten lucky. Good luck baking!

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